Goal: $35 MILLION
When Moses Juah ’23 traveled from his home country in Africa to attend Gannon University, it was to “find a place of unforgettable experiences,” he said.
“When I was thinking about what I love to do, where I want to work, and what I want to accomplish in the future, finding a place of possibilities was vital to me,” said Juah, who is a first-generation student.
Juah found those possibilities at Gannon, where he is pursuing his degree in cybersecurity.
“Cybersecurity is critical to the fabric of any modern business. As breach after breach hits the headlines, it’s clear that organizations need more professionals focused on cybersecurity,” Juah said of his decision to pursue a career in this field.
But Juah’s university experiences don’t stop there. He serves as president for the African Student Organization at Gannon and a cabinet member of the Student Government Association, is a member of the Black Student Union, and competes as a running back for Gannon’s NCAA Division II football team. He also serves as a cadet of Gannon University’s Reserve Officer’s Training Corp. Juah’s academic and extracurricular success earned him scholarship opportunities to continue this important journey.
“Gannon has enabled me to believe in the possibilities and to strive for excellence until I reach my full potential.” - Moses Juah ’23
“Being engaged in these experiences plays a major role in how I view the world and the people around me,” Juah said. “The programs, clubs, team organizations and activities that I am engaged in at Gannon are the paths that are changing me and my destination.”
By funding support for academic excellence through Gannon’s Next Century campaign, we can provide students like Juah with similar experiential learning opportunities through graduate assistantships, research, global and service learning, and academic enrichment services including career exploration and learning support.
Our enrollment is increasing in numbers and diversity, so we will also meet this growth with funding to recruit and develop top-quality faculty to carry forward our traditions of success through engaging and innovative classroom and laboratory learning.
Achieving the goals of this strategic funding priority will propel our students to achieve excellence and success in their academic and professional careers again and again – just as Juah is.
“Gannon has enabled me to believe in the possibilities and to strive for excellence until I reach my full potential,” Juah said.
Learn more about our goal of fostering academic excellence at campaign.gannon.edu/academic-excellence.
Moses Juah '23, a first-generation student, is pursuing his bachelor's degree in cybersecurity at Gannon.