When applying to college, we usually pick a major– an important decision, for sure. But Gannon has given me so much more than a degree in my major. I have learned a lot from my four years here– and much of it has happened outside the classroom.

Gannon is the community and the people who are beside me, adding to my experiences and knowledge as we go through this time together. College is about so much more than those late night study sessions, exams, reports, etc. Together with my friends, mentors, staff and professors, I have learned about my relationship with God, perseverance with positivity and service to others.
I have broadened and solidified my relationship with God by participating in weekend retreats that allow me to openly discuss Bible teachings and my viewpoints with others. Reflection is a major aspect of growth in any relationship, and I find mself doing a lot of this. I have been journaling since my mom gave me my first journal when I was 10-years-old. To be able to look back and see where I’ve been and where I’ve come from is invaluable to where I will go.
I’ve worked extremely hard to persevere through some tough semesters academically, by staying positive while learning and preparing for the next academic milestone. The load and intensity of the work can be stressful at times, but I’ve always gained a feeling of accomplishment when I’ve mastered a new skill or understanding.
This has prepared me well for the clinical experiences that are ahead of me. I’m excited to move into this new phase of learning! Staying positive and reaping the internal rewards of a job well done has led me to run half-marathons, join different communities and get involved in leadership opportunities at Gannon.
While at Gannon, I’ve had the opportunity to travel around the U.S. and globally, in community and service to others. During Alternative Break Service Trips, we immersed ourselves into our environments, learning and caring about the people who we interacted with on a very personal level. The leadership opportunities that I’ve been priviledged to experience, along with learning from my co-travelers and mentors, has enabled me to grow in ways far beyond the classroom teachings at Gannon.

I feel blessed to be able to reflect about Gannon and remember the important moments filled with best friends, supportive faculty, and many mentors. This Gannon community has challenged me to be a better leader, communicator and student of life while finding joy and staying positive along the way. Thank you, Gannon!