We want to thank our generous donors whose contributions to the Believe. Inspire. Transform. campaign help the university drive forward its purpose of transforming students’ lives through high-quality, affordable educational experiences.
Through these efforts, you help to propel our mission to believe in, inspire and transform our students to live impactful lives around the globe.
“This scholarship has allowed me to continue to play the sport I love competitively. I always operate on the belief that with persistence I can achieve almost anything, and my time at Gannon has shown me how much I can accomplish.
I am so grateful for the impact that this scholarship has had. I thank you for your support and generosity. I am very inspired to work hard to create a successful career and future for myself here at Gannon.” - Zoey McClain

(L-R) Michelle Wimmer and Zoey McClain Norbert and Helen Stankiewicz Endowed Scholarship

How Can You Invest in our Students?
Enhance student-athletes’ experiences in the classroom and in competition.
Dean’s Excellence Funds
Provide vital resources and technology in the classrooms.
Gannon Fund
Support the growing needs and emerging priorities of all students.
Leadership and Professional Development
Create opportunities for students to gain professional field experience.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Help to provide a high-quality education accessible and affordable to everyone.
Travel, Study Abroad and Service
Provide values-centered learning opportunities for students to become global citizens.
To find out more, please contact:
Nancy Bird, Vice President for University Advancement